We’ll get your processes up and running together

Tech Insights Configuration


EEC Professional meets Eplan Cloud

Marriage of EEC Professional, the “Eplan Engineering Configuration” Framework, with the “Eplan Cloud”?Sounds intriguing, and it definitely is! Especially during the development phase, collaboration with

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Why should I generate?

I had a very interesting conversation with an ‘artificial intelligence system’ Michael Kassin: Are there any details about the potential cost savings through the use

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Tech Insights API


Analyzing and Synchronizing EPLAN Article Master Data

Have you ever wondered how to efficiently and quickly manage, compare, and synchronize your EPLAN article master data across different versions? So, what solution did you come up with? Exporting and importing XML files, back and forth, and hoping for the best?! Seriously? 😱😫 In this video, I’ll show you

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Eplan as a Service with Eplan API Offline

Interfaces are becoming more numerous and complex; ERP/PLM systems are managing increasingly more data and are thus becoming central to any data flow. This means that authoring systems must also deliver better data more quickly! Manually sending XML files back and forth is truly outdated. Why not simply use an

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Synchronize Eplan Structure Identifier with an Excel Spreadsheet

Structure indicators and their management are one of the central components of an Eplan project. As the name suggests, they serve the “structuring” and thus the clarity within the projects.They serve, as the name already suggests, the “structuring” and thus the clarity within the projects.In cleanly structured, large projects with

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Create your own Verifications for Eplan Electric P8

The standard test procedures in Eplan Electric P8 2023 are extremely comprehensive and are constantly being developed. However, what should be done if the specific test run that one is repeatedly looking for is still not available? Quite simply: with the API, I can develop the specific test run myselfor

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Tech Insights Eplan Scripting

Eplan API

MK Digital is turning 730 days young

730, what an impressive number! But what’s the story behind it? Exactly 730 days ago, which is practically 2 years to the day, I received my business license from the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) for the UBIT sector = Business Consulting and Information Technology. From that moment on, I was

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Eplan API

generate structured itemized bill of materials

Bills of materials (BOMs) are the linchpin of the entire process flow; nothing operates without BOMs! From production planning and material procurement to cost calculation, quality control, and traceability, the success of these processes hinges crucially on the high-quality nature of the BOMs. Even in Eplan, generating a BOM from

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Eplan API

Automatic analysis an Eplan P8 project

Software licenses are expensive, so each department should utilize the licenses as effectively as possible; during the daytime, not an issue, right? PDF creation, evaluations—these are activities that utilize the license, but are these activities truly productive? Okay, occasionally, I need a PDF immediately, but do I have to ensure

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