We’ll get your processes up and running together

WEB-Design, WEB-Applications

Where does one end, where does the other begin? Is everything in the cloud, and where is the cloud (on a sunny day, perhaps)? Do we even need all of this anymore when AI or machine learning is set to replace us all?

Questions that are repeatedly asked in the current times. Especially the older generation, and I include myself in that, tends to view all these events and developments with a bit of skepticism.
I spent almost an entire day with ChatGPT, and I must admit, the answers were not bad, sometimes even remarkably well-formulated, but still, we have something ahead of this piece of software: imagination and empathy.

If someone wants to enhance their visibility with ‘pastel‘ colors, I can’t counter with color theory or a triadic color scheme. And that’s exactly what we currently have ahead of artificial intelligence: empathy!

Sometimes challenging, but always fascinating and interesting!

Thanks to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with so far!

Here are a few of my current projects

The story of Mr. Apfler’s website is quite unique. Wolfgang and I got to know each other through the direct sales of AMWAY.

After a short period, I realized the tremendous knowledge about nutrition and health that Wolfgang possessed. His regular online roundtable discussions on various health topics are well-known beyond national borders, with viewer numbers often exceeding 100 as the norm rather than the exception. However, what was missing was a platform to preserve this knowledge and publish the video recordings!

Okay, grabbed my laptop, registered a domain, installed WordPress, and put together the prototype of a homepage with a few videos.
At the next Amway meeting, I confronted Wolfgang with it: ‘This is your new homepage!”

Not a word of skepticism, no questions about “why do I need this” — nothing. Just a simple Sounds good, let’s get started!’

By now, well over 100 videos are linked to his site—cooking recipes, fitness in old age, and a complete series about building your business with Amway and Amway products. And there’s more to come; Wolfgang is far from finished!

And in January 2024 he will celebrate his 80 birthday! What an inspiration and motivation!

And that’s what makes my world, being able to collaborate with such individuals!

Martina’s story is quite different. She is my Lomi Lomi Nui trainer, and she had a website for a long time.
However, over the years, it had become outdated, lacking an imprint, a somewhat inadequate privacy policy, and, most importantly, it wasn’t optimized for mobile devices.
Additionally, the prices were not up to date.

Hence, a complete redesign was in order: a new domain, a fresh look with a landing page fully optimized for mobile devices. The logo, derived from a woodcut from Hawaii, was digitized and adapted, with a strong emphasis on SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Contact form, vouchers, and business cards are currently in the works, but the pages have turned out to be incredibly appealing.

Here’s to many new customers experiencing a fantastic Lomi massage with Martina; it’s truly an experience!

I came to 1. PSV through a recommendation and the suggestion: ‘we need a website.’

The slogan was quickly found, and a dedicated blog section was created for current activities and competitions.

So far, so good, but then I stumbled upon a stack of ‘notes‘ during a meeting. When I asked, ‘What’s this?‘ I got the dry response, ‘Well, those are our registration forms for the upcoming swimming courses.

Wow, handwritten, incomplete, sometimes illegible—the whole package. Management and organization in Excel, sending Excel sheets via email, and so on, and so forth.

For me, it was clear: ‘we need more.‘ The website is an important start, but without centralized management and a unified registration process, we won’t achieve any significant workflow improvement!

So we implemented:

  • electronic registration form for new members
  • Online management system with a login interface for the trainers
  • Member management, course administration, group allocation for trainers and supervisors

    This is efficiency even in the small setting of a sports club, where everyone contributes their time on a part-time and voluntary basis.