There are not many software products surrounded by as many mysteries as the EEC, the Eplan Engineering Configuration. (Framework)(*1).
Yet, the software is nothing other than perhaps the most powerful and comprehensive mechatronic configurator currently available on the market for generating CAE documentation in the native Eplan format.
And you can also do other crazy things with it, such as creating PDF documents or generating various XML formats. Hence the term ‘mechatronic,’ because it’s not just ‘electronic’!
In summary, certainly one of the most intriguing software products on the market, with which I have already spent many nights!
For me, generation means that each result is repeatedly assembled from individual parts, the fragments, using mathematical conditions and parameters. Thus, each result is unique but composed of fixed, pre-fabricated parts, making the outcome 100% predictable! Nothing is ‘invented‘ that hasn’t been prepared in advance.
Classic Example – Power Input:
Nearly every electrical device requires a power input, and it can vary each time::
But it always remains a power input, neither more nor less. And this area of input is broken down into individual fragments, unravelled, and reassembled situationally with each generation.
For one company, the topic has 3 options, for another company, suddenly 10—c’est la vie. In the circuit diagram, it’s a power input, consistently assembled from the same building blocks!
Essentially, beneficial for anyone dealing with recurrent themes; prominently spotlighting mechanical engineering on one end and intralogistics=conveyor technology on the other. Why? Extremely modular construction and high production volumes on one side, coupled with large projects demanding extensive upfront clarification, last-minute changes, hence, highly dynamic!
But also in places where certain logics must be adhered to—such as potential equalization in control cabinet construction, ensuring each phase is evenly loaded—it’s pure calculation, but it has to be done!
One can see that everyone should actually engage with it.
The recurring shortage of skilled workers and the ongoing ‘I only want to work 32 hours‘ discussion should actually render this question moot. However, my personal answer: because soon we won’t be able to afford spending hours sending Excel sheets back and forth, or having data altered while a technician has already begun creating plans! Changes will always happen—this is what drives the economy—but we must minimize the number of iteration loops, improve the quality of input data, and create plans at the very latest possible moment!
Bold, I know, but achievable with the right workflows, processes, and the right software!
And I support you/your team in every phase of your considerations!
(*1) I like to add the term ‘Framework‘ to it because that’s what it is: ‘A framework is a real or conceptual structure designed to serve as support or guide for the construction of something!’ That’s it!