We’ll get your processes up and running together

MK Digital is turning 730 days young

730, what an impressive number! But what’s the story behind it?

Exactly 730 days ago, which is practically 2 years to the day, I received my business license from the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO) for the UBIT sector = Business Consulting and Information Technology. From that moment on, I was officially SELF-EMPLOYED – a wonderful feeling!

Well, some people might have called me crazy, with the words SELF and EMPLOYED often thrown around in that context. However, I wouldn’t trade a single moment of the last 2 years = 730 days = 17,520 hours for anything!

And they were very exciting hours filled with great projects in all of my areas, with amazing people, well, and a few sleepless nights (🤪), not in Seattle, but at Schloßgasse 10 in 3264 Gresten!

And precisely because these 730 days have been truly fantastic, I want to give a little something back to all of you out there. Some might find it more useful, others less, and certainly a few may not find any use at all – SORRY FOR THAT!

Below the video, you’ll find a download button. With it, you can download, install, configure, and use the software demonstrated in the video. If someone understands it, it can certainly save quite a bit of time!

I’m hopeful for great successes and a fruitful collaboration in the year 2024. It’s going to be an outstanding year!

Note #1: The download is password-protected, just to keep things organized. Simply send me a message, and you’ll receive the password for the download.

Note #2: As this is a voluntary initiative, I want to make it clear that I take no responsibility for the results. However, I will certainly consider error corrections or modification requests for reasonable feedback that contributes to improving the solution, within appropriate bounds.

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