We’ll get your processes up and running together

Eplan API

I probably don’t need to say much about Eplan software here; it’s likely well-known in the CAE environment. What makes it even more interesting is the realm of the API, the Application Programming Interface, associated with this software. I frequently come across discussions in various forums highlighting a lack of ‘clarification‘ in this area.

Perhaps I can contribute a bit to ‘shed more light‘ on this topic and address some questions regarding API, scripting, functional scope, usage, applications, etc. The list goes on. Let me provide answers and insights into these aspects.

On my contact page, feel free to send me a direct question about the API topic or register for my newsletter dedicated to API. By doing so, you’ll receive regular updates, information, and news at intervals.

Furthermore, you’ll find short reports on the API topic in my Youtube-Channel and on LinkedIn.

I won’t respond to inquiries regarding prices, discounts, or other commercial matters—I am a technician at heart and soul!

and here a few examples

All the examples showcased here have originated from ideas I picked up in various CAD forums. In most cases, individuals struggled to achieve their set goals using scripting and other sendkey methodologies. All examples are fully functional, at least in versions 2.9 and 2023, but are still pure prototypes open to adjustments and expansions in all directions.

controlling multilingual function texts using shortcuts

The management of multilingualism, especially in the case of function texts, can be quite intricate and extensive. Additionally, end customers may have a say, leading to variations like ‘Maschine Start,’ ‘Maschine fährt an,’ and ‘Anlage startet’ as synonyms for the same state in the database. This complexity underscores the need for effective translation handling.

It would be ideal if components had a short text that remains constant while the project-specific texts and translations can be modified. This approach ensures stability in the face of project-specific changes in texts and their translations.

Furthermore, there might be situations where I need to deliver a project in a language for which I haven’t maintained translations up to that point.

Introducing ‘abbreviations’ or ‘shortcuts’ can indeed enhance flexibility and, consequently, efficiency. In the video, I’ll demonstrate exactly such a workflow.

populating properties of Eplan P8 projects or functions

It may often be necessary to select results ‘ONLY’ from a defined dropdown list in property fields. The following three videos each demonstrate a way to implement such functionality. The dropdown list is provided through a simple CSV file, an Excel sheet, or direct access to an SQL database.

All three processes do NOT require an API interface; a script implementation is sufficient. However, an external programming call is made, making it fitting within this context.

generating and utilizing Eplan P8 verifications

The standard test verifications in Eplan Electric P8 2023 are extensive and continuously evolving.

But what do you do when the specific test run you’re consistently searching for isn’t available?

Quite simply: with the API, I can develop the exact test run myself or have it created by an experienced Eplan API developer. In all likelihood, I’ll recover the development costs in no time through increased project quality and reduced project work time.

In this video example, I demonstrate the operation of a self-defined test run based on the PLC address and a translation in the function text.

evaluating Eplan Projects automatically using Windows Task Scheduler

Software licenses can be costly, so it’s essential for every department to make the most efficient use of them. During the day, it might not be a problem, right?

PDF creation, evaluations—all activities that utilize the license. But are these activities genuinely ‘productive‘?

Okay, occasionally, I need a PDF right away. But do I have to take the time to ensure that the final PDF is stored in an ERP system?

And now, the cloud comes into play. Entire projects are supposed to be published on eView—that’s what the cloud is for, and it’s a good thing. But what if I realize there’s an error after publishing? Exactly, go through the whole process again, RIGHT NOW!

In this video, I’ll show you how you can shift time-consuming tasks to nighttime, giving you more time during the day for the truly important aspects of a technician’s life—developing new things!